Roof ventilator both-direct – complete
The fan is designed to extract air to the outside through three holes. The exhaust fan is designed to be installed on the ceilings of commercial cars used for transport of persons and goods. Extraction from the interior of the vehicle to the outside is started by the controller. (not part of the fan) The extracted air flow can be manually regulated by means of three adjustable holes located on the inner cover.-
Merchandise code0652035.012
Status of merchandiseNot in the warehouse
Unit of measurepcs
Weight2,045 kg/pcs
Napětí = 12 V Max odběr 75W Spotřeba 5,3A Průtok vzduchu 358m3/hod
Napětí = 12 V Max odběr 75W Spotřeba 5,3A Průtok vzduchu 358m3/hod