Placing points combined set 24 tons - series 3000 anti-vibration system/rear + fork/front
Set contains: - 2x - 0711 412.000 - contact fork - 1x - 0711 445.000 - fork holder type 1 - 1x - 0711 446.000 - fork holder type 2 - 1x - 0711 310.240 - ball with support - 1x - 0711 301.080 - ball holder type 1 - 1x - 0711 302.080 - ball holder type 2 - 2x - 0711 303.080 - plastic insert - 2x - 0711 304.080 - locking pin type 1 - 2x - 0711 305.080 - locking pin type 2 - 1x - 0711 480.000 - stabilizer rear Anti-vibration system for body soundproofing - rear fit. Front fit - fork. Load capacity is indicative and it depends on the construction of the body and experience in using the set.-
Merchandise code0711313.240
Status of merchandiseNot in the warehouse
Unit of measureset
Weight0 kg/set
Materialsteel natural / PVC