Al / St large head

Al / St large head

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TT-number Name d (mm) L (mm) s (mm) D (mm) Availability Unit
2112132.081 Blind rivet standard 3,2x8x10 Al/St large head 3.2 8,0 3,5-5,0 9.5 In the warehouse hundred
2112140.081 Blind rivet standard 4,0x8x10 Al/St large head 4 8,0 3,0-4,5 10 In the warehouse hundred
2112140.101 Blind rivet standard 4,0x10x10 Al/St large head 4 10,0 5,0-6,5 10 In the warehouse hundred
2112140.112 Blind rivet standard 4,0x11x10 Al/St large head 4 11,0 5,5-7,5 10 In the warehouse hundred
2112140.121 Blind rivet standard 4,0x12x10 Al/St large head 4 12,0 7,0-8,5 10 In the warehouse hundred
2112140.141 Blind rivet standard 4,0x14x10 Al/St large head 4 14,0 8,0-10,5 10 In the warehouse hundred
2112140.161 Blind rivet standard 4,0x16x10 Al/St large head 4 16,0 10,0-12,5 10 In the warehouse hundred
2112140.201 Blind rivet standard 4,0x20x10 Al/St large head 4 20,0 15,0-17,0 12 In the warehouse hundred
2112141.061 Blind rivet standard 4,0x6x12 Al/St large head 4 6,0 1,5-3,0 12 In the warehouse hundred
2112141.081 Blind rivet standard 4,0x8x12 Al/St large head 4 8,0 3,0-5,0 12 In the warehouse hundred
2112141.101 Blind rivet standard 4,0x10x12 Al/St large head 4 10,0 5,0-6,5 12 In the warehouse hundred
2112141.121 Blind rivet standard 4,0x12x12 Al/St large head 4 12,0 6,5-8,5 12 In the warehouse hundred
2112141.141 Blind rivet standard 4,0x14x12 Al/St large head 4 14,0 8,5-10,5 12 In the warehouse hundred
2112141.161 Blind rivet standard 4,0x16x12 Al/St large head 4 16,0 10,5-12,5 12 In the warehouse hundred
2112141.182 Blind rivet standard 4,0x18x12 Al/St large head 4 18,0 12,5-14,5 12 In the warehouse hundred
2112141.201 Blind rivet standard 4,0x20x12 Al/St large head 4 20,0 14,5-16,5 12 In the warehouse hundred
2112148.081 Blind rivet standard 4,8x8x14 Al/St large head 4.8 8,0 3,0-4,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112148.101 Blind rivet standard 4,8x10x14 Al/St large head 4.8 10,0 4,5-6,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112148.121 Blind rivet standard 4,8x12x14 Al/St large head 4.8 12,0 6,0-8,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112148.141 Blind rivet standard 4,8x14x14 Al/St large head 4.8 14,0 8,0-10,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112148.161 Blind rivet standard 4,8x16x14 Al/St large head 4.8 16,0 10,0-12,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112148.169005 Blind rivet standard 4,8x16x14 Al/St large head RAL9005 4.8 16,0 10,0-12,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112148.181 Blind rivet standard 4,8x18x14 Al/St large head 4.8 18,0 12,0-14,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112148.201 Blind rivet standard 4,8x20x14 Al/St large head 4.8 20,0 14,0-16,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112148.209005 Blind rivet standard 4,8x20x14 Al/St large head RAL9005 4.8 20,0 14,0-16,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112148.261 Blind rivet standard 4,8x26x14 Al/St large head 4.8 26,0 19,5-22,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112148.301 Blind rivet standard 4,8x30x14 Al/St large head 4.8 30,0 23,0-25,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112148.352 Blind rivet standard 4,8x35x14 Al/St large head 4.8 35,0 25,0-30,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112149.101 Blind rivet standard 4,8x10x16 Al/St large head 4.8 10,0 4,0-6,0 16 In the warehouse hundred
2112149.121 Blind rivet standard 4,8x12x16 Al/St large head 4.8 12,0 6,0-8,0 16 In the warehouse hundred
2112149.161 Blind rivet standard 4,8x16x16 Al/St large head 4.8 16,0 10,0-12,0 16 In the warehouse hundred
2112149.181 Blind rivet standard 4,8x18x16 Al/St large head 4.8 18,0 12,0-14,0 16 In the warehouse hundred
2112149.201 Blind rivet standard 4,8x20x16 Al/St large head 4.8 20,0 14,0-16,0 16 In the warehouse hundred
2112149.221 Blind rivet standard 4,8x22x16 Al/St large head 4.8 22,0 16,0-18,0 16 In the warehouse hundred
2112149.241 Blind rivet standard 4,8x24x16 Al/St large head 4.8 24,0 16,0-20,0 16 In the warehouse hundred
2112149.261 Blind rivet standard 4,8x26x16 Al/St large head 4.8 26,0 19,0-21,0 16 In the warehouse hundred
2112149.352 Blind rivet standard 4,8x35x16 Al/St large head 4.8 35,0 25,0-30,0 16 In the warehouse hundred
2112150.101 Blind rivet standard 5,0x10x14 Al/St large head 5 10,0 4,5-6,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112150.121 Blind rivet standard 5,0x12x14 Al/St large head 5 12,0 6,0-8,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112150.161 Blind rivet standard 5,0x16x14 Al/St large head 5 16,0 10,0-12,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112150.251 Blind rivet standard 5,0x24x14 Al/St large head 5 24,0 17,0-20,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112150.301 Blind rivet standard 5,0x30x14 Al/St large head 5 30,0 23,0-26,0 14 In the warehouse hundred
2112151.101 Blind rivet standard 5,0x10x16 Al/St large head 5 10,0 4,0-6,0 16 In the warehouse hundred
2112151.161 Blind rivet standard 5,0x16x16 Al/St large head 5 16,0 10,0-12,0 16 In the warehouse hundred
2112151.201 Blind rivet standard 5,0x21x16 Al/St large head 5 21,0 14,0-17,0 16 In the warehouse hundred
2112132.101 Blind rivet standard 3,2x10x10 Al/St large head 3.2 10,0 5,0-7,0 9.5 Not in the warehouse hundred
2112132.141 Blind rivet standard 3,2x14x10 Al/St large head 3.2 14,0 9,0-11,0 9.5 Not in the warehouse hundred
2112140.132 Blind rivet standard 4,0x13x10 Al/St large head 4 13,0 7,5-9,5 10 Not in the warehouse hundred
2112141.241 Blind rivet standard 4,0x24x12 Al/St large head 4 24,0 18,5-22,0 12 Not in the warehouse hundred
2112148.241 Blind rivet standard 4,8x24x14 Al/St large head 4.8 24,0 18,0-21,0 14 Not in the warehouse hundred
2112149.141 Blind rivet standard 4,8x14x16 Al/St large head 4.8 14,0 8,0-10,0 16 Not in the warehouse hundred
2112149.301 Blind rivet standard 4,8x30x16 Al/St large head 4.8 30,0 23,0-25,0 16 Not in the warehouse hundred
2112150.141 Blind rivet standard 5,0x14x14 Al/St large head 5 14,0 8,0-10,0 14 Not in the warehouse hundred
2112160.161 Blind rivet 6,0x16x18 Al/St large head 6 16,0 9,0-11,00 18 Not in the warehouse hundred
2112160.241 Blind rivet 6,0x25x18 Al/St large head 6 25 15,0-20,0 18 Not in the warehouse hundred
2112164.201 Blind rivet 6,4x20x19 Al/St large head 6.4 20 10,0-14,0 19 Not in the warehouse hundred